Product? Instapaper

What does it do? Like Pocket, Instapaper offers a platform where you can save articles to read later.

Home page

Instapaper home page

  • The Instapaper home page is very clean, even the use of color is very functional
  • There are just two options: sign in or create an account. Lets set up a new one!

Sign up popup

Instapaper sign up popup

  • No new window, just a popup with two fields: e-mail and password
  • There is a checkbox for keeping me logged in


Instapaper dashboard

  • No onboarding, no install-plugin, no tutorial
  • There is a single article added to my feed, which is called “Welcome to Instapaper”, but there is no additional trigger for getting me to open it

Welcome to Instapaper article

Welcome to Instapaper article

  • A convenient way of explaining some of the features of Instapaper
  • In the text, e-mailing articles, saving from native apps and the bookmarklet is explained
  • A couple of minutes after signing up, I received a friendly e-mail with almost the same contents (mobile apps, adding articles via e-mail, bookmarklet, etcetera)