BHAG goals review and new 30 day project
Setting goals transformed 2014 in a really great year. Reviewing my 2015 goals a couple of weeks ago, I felt I could do much more to push myself further, so I turned it up a notch.
Here is a quick review of how it is going so far:
- Quickly sketched our year and figured living in another country for a month needs to wait a bit until later this year so Joàn can complete her bachelor’s degree.
- Didn’t complete my goal of having one speaking engagement in January. All set for February. I’m open for March.
- Made a rough outline for my writing this year. Want to finish outline before April.
- Haven’t watched television or movies. It is going to get harder as everyone will be binge-watching the new House of Cards in 3 weeks though.
- I’ll be starting a fresh 30 day project today. Read more below.
- Talked to people about doing a short (summer) internship. Official internships last 3 months and I don’t have that much time. Trying to find an interesting spot where I can contribute and learn for 1 or 2 weeks.
- Did not yet set a date to quit alcohol.
30 day project: review one onboarding process each day
Onboarding: the process of helping a user find their way in a new product or service. For the next 30 days, I want to review one product every day, jot down a few thoughts about them and publish them here.
Lets make February 2015 last and set yourself at least one exciting goal.