I just did my quarterly review this Saturday, and wanted to share how I do that. It will take around one hour to do it, and a little longer if you’re sharing it with someone else (which I recommend, I love that part).

Why you’d do this? Well, we’re running out of time for this year: just three months on the clock. If we want to live intentionally, we need a plan. And to make sure our plan is right, we need to evaluate how the last three months went so we know what to change.

Alright, let’s dive in.

There are two important components to review, when looking back over the past three months:

1. Your goals

If you did set goals, you’ll want to review them. Be as honest as possible, because that’s the only way you’ll become better at setting them.

2. Your process

Regardless if you did actually set goals, you can review how you lived the past three months. Are you happy with the way you work? How your day is structured? How you fill your evenings and weekends? Again, whether you set goals or not, this is something you can review at any time.

Onto the review itself, it’s actually quite simple:

  1. Review your calendar for the past three months and make a list of things that catch your eye: accomplishments, but it can also be other things you think off that had a big impact on how you feel.
  2. Review your goals. Get your list of goals out and go over each of them: did you make it? Did you not make it? What went well? What did not went according to plan?
  3. Summarize how you feel about the past quarter: now you have the results of your goals, and created a list of things that jump to mind, are you happy with the past three months? Are you happy with your goals? How do you feel about the different processes in your life?

This is a great kickoff for compiling your goals for the next three months, and there is no better time than right now! You know how things go: December will be busy with family and friends, so plan now to make the most of October and November.