Are you worried that the people you work with see you as a micromanager? Here are a couple of questions I stumbled upon, that you can ask yourself. They might give you some ideas, by grading each of them between 1 and 10, where you can improve and delegate a bit better.

  • Iā€™m delegating everyday decision-making to the people closest to the work
  • My staff knows the point at which an issue requires my involvement, and they see that threshold as reasonable
  • I share important information with staff so they feel involved and invested
  • I enjoy giving people increasingly greater responsibility and authority as they grow
  • I don't feel the need to have my fingerprints on everything we do
  • When I keep a hand in the work of the team, it is only to help in ways they appreciate
  • If I have to closely supervise employees because their work needs improvement, I give them clear feedback on their performance so they know why I'm involved
  • Even when I'm under pressure from my own bosses, I try not to become a dictator to the team
  • I believe in hiring people who are smarter than I am and helping them shine
  • I would hate to be known as a micromanager