Public speaking means preparation
There is a lot that can be said about speaking in public. So much even that I think it would be fun to do a series on it in some time.
For today, I just want to share what I think is one of the most important things when you’re presenting something: preparation. If there is anything you can do to make you feel less stressed out and talk with more confidence, it is by knowing what you want to say, why you want to say it and how you’re going to say it by actually doing it multiple times.
I know exactly what you’re thinking right now: yeah, that’s a great idea, but I’ll just create my slides and go over them a couple of times. Rehearsing it is embarrassing. Rehearsing it takes time I don't have. Just remember: giving an unprepared presentation is infinitely more embarrassing than giving a monologue in the bathroom or talking while you're running.
As an experiment, take the next presentation you’re going to give, go to a place no one can hear you and just tell the story. Give it a try. Every time I do take the time to do this, I thank myself when I’m giving the actual presentation.