Product? Dayafterday

What does it do? Dayafterday is a collection of curated feeds with music, video and news.

Home page

Dayafterday home page

  • The home page is clean, with interesting stuff appearing when scrolling down
  • There is some kind of now playing bar at the bottom of the screen: this website is about both news as well as audio and video

Sign up

Dayafterday sign up

  • I have to decide to choose either Facebook or email signup
  • There is a lot of other stuff visible, I’d suggest leaving this out to make room for the signup


Dayafterday join

  • Spotted: a password confirm
  • Spotted: a show your password button
  • Interesting: I have to confirm both my email as well as my password
  • The design of this page is completely different from the two screens before, hope it gets more consistent after this

First day

Dayafterday first day

  • Again a different design
  • I like the concept of “a first day”
  • The steps that will follow are clearly explained beforehand

Introduction to Dayafterday

Dayafterday introduction

  • A couple of screenshots to explain what Dayafterday is, but it still is not really clear how it is supposed to work

Follow and explore

Dayafterday follow and explore

  • It’s suggested to follow at least two profiles
  • There are 19 profiles listed, without a way to see more
  • It is not clear why I should follow these people (or brands)

Dayafterday feed

Dayafterday feed

  • Received a welcome email
  • The feed is a collection of posts by the brands I followed
  • There is an “Add content” option which would be far more suitable to use in the onboarding process: it is way easier to choose topics instead of people
  • Oh, I’m browsing around now and there is so much more content than visible during onboarding. I ended up with a really boring feed