Over the last couple of weeks, I've been doing my annual review for 2014. I gathered a list of goals for the categories financial, relationship, friends, health, spiritual, learning, family, work and sideprojects. Reviewing this list, I found that my goals were too small. Too safe. I could easily accomplish all things on the list without saying no to current things and without pain.

This is why I've added or improved my goals to be BHAG: they will cost me. They require saying no to some things I really love. And I'm going to share it here. There is a big downside to sharing: all goals have a risk of failure of at least 25%. I could look back on this post one year from now and be disappointed. I could also review, remember my hard work and celebrate.

  • Work remotely in a different country for a month
  • Engage in a speaking engagement at least once a month
  • Write a book
  • Don't watch TV series or movies for a year (cinema allowed)
  • Have a running 30 day project all the time
  • Commit to do a (summer) internship
  • Stop drinking alcohol somewhere this year

Sounds like an exciting year ahead!